Your website is so awesome!! Seriously you give a fresh perspective on all the topics talked about in class and the vocabulary you use is very easy to understand.
The way you teach almost makes the material feel very easy to comprehend.
— Kyle F., Fall 2019
Your site really saved my GPA and increased my understanding of accounting substantially.
— Bailey, Fall 2016
Your website led me to what will hopefully (final grades haven't been posted) be an A in accounting.
I told everyone I know taking the class next semester to not waste their money on the tutoring services and to go to your site.
— Monte, Spring 2016
Loved how you explained the lectures, especially things like PV & PVOA.
— Zach M., Fall 2019
I honestly don't think I would've been able to pass financial without your help. With finals coming up, I feel very confident with accounting and I never thought I would!
So again, thank you for all your help!
— Claire, Fall 2016
You are awesome, and I so wish I would have found you at the beginning of the semester
— Katie K., Spring 2016
I’ll be happy to spread the word about your site. There’s no way I could have any clue what is going on in this class without it.
— Brandon, Spring 2019
It definitely helped me make sense of the last couple chapters before the final when things in class started going over my head. I like that you use visuals and diagrams as well as going through examples.
The visual for the breakdown of authorized stock is an example of one I found extremely helpful.
— Caitlin, Spring 2016
I cannot even tell you how helpful your videos were to me when learning this material. I just got my grade back on my first test and I got an A. I don't think my grade would have been that high without your videos.
— Sean, Fall 2015
I just want to let you know that since I've started your videos (the past two tests)
I have gotten two 94s!!! I just wanted to say thank you so much you do a great job!
— Abby, Fall 2017
Your site was a great crash course for procrastinators like me, and watching your videos at 2x speed along with my lectures was enough to do well on the exam.
— Nathan, Fall 2019
I can learn a lot from your videos and they are easy to understand.
I have a better understanding after watching your videos which also helped me get a better result for my previous semester.
— Olivia, Fall 2017
I wanna say thank you very much for doing the videos. I just got my grade and I made an A in accounting, and I must say I owe it to you and your videos.
— Daniel, Spring 2016